Project Timeline

November 2021

Commenced outreach and engagement with Comal County

March 2023

Commenced construction

June 2024

Commenced commercial operations


Local Outreach

Plus Power began developing Ebony Energy Storage in 2021 in Comal County, northeast of San Antonio, with a focus on meeting the capacity needs of Texas’s electricity system and the customers it serves. We have been engaging with the county permitting and first responders regarding the project and will continue to provide updates, obtain feedback, and answer questions after commencing operations. We are committed to being an excellent neighbor.  

Community Benefits

Ebony will continue to be a valuable asset to the surrounding community for decades to come. The project provides necessary capacity to the ERCOT market with no air polluting emissions. Additionally, Ebony has little impact on neighboring businesses or the community at large; as a static facility, the project generates insignificant traffic and creates minimal demand for municipal services. Significant project benefits to the community include:

  • High-paying construction and O&M jobs

  • Enhanced resiliency from a new, state-of-the-art power resource  

  • Expanded property tax base for the local district